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1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago  Seriously, that's some NiceGuy levels of logic jumps. "She engaged eye contact, she must want the D! Gee golly gosh, I better put my moves on her!" This is the issue with living in a city. If anyone looks at me too long especially in the eyes I immediately think of an safe way to exit wherever I am OR I try to move my seat or make a phone call. Does staring and then avoiding eye contact when she notices count as flirting? Because if they do, I'm a very flirty person.

How can a girl tell if a guy is making eye contact because they're interested?

0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago  What is the first thought that comes into your head when a man maintains eye contact, either in a conversation or just passing you by:Do you even notice it? Does it flick an attraction switch? Do you think he may be staring at some food on your face? Do you think that you need to reciprocate? Do you feel the need to look away due to nervousness? Do you wonder why he's staring? Do you assume that he is a friendly person? Do you think he's checking you out? Do you assume confidence? Ik I'm overthinking it, took awhile before I realized I had bad eye-sight so now I have a tendency to stare and overthink what I'm looking at since I did it for years before getting glasses [] 19 points20 points21 points 5 years ago  For me, I was taught to avoid eye contact (cultural) and it definitely affected the way people perceived me. Once I learned that eye contact is essential for face to face communication, I made an effort to make eye contact. It's a normal thing, everyone does it. I'm not sure if my post helps you at all, but for me, I just had to start doing it. If I'm staring a lady down, it's because I recognize her from somewhere and I'm trying to determine: I look good today and I know it. [] 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago  1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago  I honestly think that's kind of a dying art. 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago 


Know when to break eye contact. This is the hard part. You can't look at them the whole time. It weirds people out. Learning when to break eye contact and for how long makes all the difference in the world. As far as guys my age go, it depends on how friendly/sexual the look is. The less friendly/more sexual the more ambivalent or dismissive I am. the more friendly they are the more friendly I am! Kind of gave me a relief. I thought I was scaring women by the other reactions, but I go to a little Texas community college right now and sometimes if I'm walking by a chick I like I'll make eye contact and smile. Also you assumed correctly that I'm straight and male. Use the search tool before you post.No pot-stirring or discussion of other subreddits.No agenda questions. This is not your personal soapbox.No personal advice or posts about your personal situation.No "would you rather" or "does anyone else" posts permitted.No yes/no questions.No gifts or shopping posts about specific brands or stores.No seeking medical advice or information.No surveys. Yes! I wish I weren't so stoic, because that's only happened to me once by accident: I had some really good news on my mind when I happened to walk into a room and made eye contact with a co-worker that I barely knew and she smiled and silently mouthed "hi." :) I get really self conscious. Making eye contact with strange (probably cute) men makes me so nervous.

IWTL how to maintain eye contact

A good wink can make a hell of a difference in your day I am even less likely to make eye contact with people I find attractive, actually. I'm insanely shy and eye contact with strangers in particular is ridiculously uncomfortable. The intent of your post should be to spark conversation, so it can help to ask leading questions. I make eye contact with lots of people and I don't use it as an indicator of interest. For me, eye contact + smile = interest. I gaze off into the distance when someone is talking to me. For me it's easier to listen and pay attention to what they're saying when I'm not looking at them. Otherwise I'll just stare and concentrate on their face and not hear a single word they say. Edit: Realized I'm just assuming you're straight and male. I imagine personality and confidence help with attraction for all sexual orientations/genders though "You've got a lash in your eye, let me get that for you." When I get a compliment on my appearance sight unseen... well I'm suspicious to say the least that you are just saying it because you feel it's socially obligated rather than because it's the truth. Edit: So much great advice on here! I will definitely try some out. If you're struggling with it, I'm positive there's a solution for you in this thread! I have had trouble with eye contact. I have ADD and I stare out into space a lot. Please be inclusive with question phrasing. Questions specifying majority demographics are not permitted. Downvote only to indicate that either a comment or post does not add to discussion; not to indicate disagreement. AskWomen benefits from honest answers with a variety of perspectives. On that note, saying, "Be honest," is rude and unnecessary. Familiarize yourself with Use the report button on all comments and posts that violate the rules in the sidebar. Add flair! We have flair for men, women, trans folks, and gender neutral people. Be specific: ask a general question, get a general answer. This is not a debate sub. Attempts to invalidate or argue someone else's response are not permitted. Common topics are determined by how often the topics come up, how likely the answers are to change, and whether it is already a FAQ topic. The timeframe for considering something common or recently asked takes all of that into account. You are also free to approach us, and I promise... most of us won't fart at you. If you're a girl, rotate them in your sockets at high speeds just like the fans on a PC - it will sure attract a lot of male type peopleIf you are a boy, just roll your eyes and female type humans would approach (triggered) to ask you (in an irritated voice) if rolled your eyes at seeing them and you would reply "I was rolling my eyes cuz you wouldn't approach me" The female type humans would get hot and wet and would surely ask you to bet at that point in time. No further courting would be necessary as they, the female type humans, would already imagine the house you would live in and how many children you will have.

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In conversation, I don't really notice unless the person is like, intensely staring into my eyes. I make eye contact with people I pass, but it's not "strong", it's just contact, smile, look away and move along. I heard that if you switch back and forth between each of their eyes occasionally it makes your eyes sparkle. If a guy makes eye contact and smiles or holds it for longer than a split second, it might be safe to approach. I kind of like it, but I always hate myself for not talking to that person and then I think of every possible way that it could've gone better... [deleted] 5 years ago  [deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 9 years ago  2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago  I'm almost 30 and haven't gotten any attention. getting advice right now Avoid topics that are religious or political in nature. Don’t push an agenda, force beliefs onto others, or belittle another user's view. As a female, I’ve been told numerous times it’s the eye contact that gets a man’s attention. And I’ve come to find that this is true with several men. So what is it about looking into someone’s eyes that makes you interested? I’m curious. Cheers!

Avoid topics of negative mental health and hardship

YES very much so. I'm pretty shy and am never the type to just walk up to a girl but I can tell from my luck over the years that I'm not the worst looking guy in the room and when I get the look and have the gall to hold the glance for a second it is fucking MAGICAL. [] 11 points12 points13 points 5 years ago*  Isn't that kinda creepy? I had a situation like this once. Was sitting in a train cart and a cutie came in. Sat next to me (well a seat in between but it was empty) Was tempted to say hi but didn't. So, does someone that's good at eye contact maintain eye contact for literally 10+ mins conversations? If anyone has any good examples for this, that'd be awesome ♀ 0 points1 point2 points 9 years ago  This is how my wife encourages me to make eye contact with people. I didn't assume that you did that. I said that is a tip I learned to help my confidence. It helped me quite a bit so I thought I would share. Sorry I tried to be nice to you. :/ ask a friend to avoid eye contact with you. see how gdam awkward it is. LOL! A 7200% return feels good, man. [deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago  Pineapple On Pizza 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago  I don't like eye contact. Typically I will look away. If we are not having a conversation and he does not approach me to start one but continues to stare I will physically leave and/or move. 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago  π Rendered by PID 45398 on reddit-service-r2-loggedout-6c457cfd74-scxr5 at 2023-04-04 00:42:08.243644+00:00 running c82a8e9 country code: AR.


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